Tote Bag Pride Together

Tote Bag Pride Together
Whilst we celebrate how far LGBTQIA+ rights have come in Australia, we reflect on how much work there is left to be done especially in countries in the Middle East where people have restrictive civil rights and are vulnerable to punishment, imprisonment, violence, discrimination, isolation, hostility and abandonment.
In light of this, we asked our in-house Brazilian-born artist, Murilo Manzini to create an artwork called Pride Together. Proceeds of this collection goes to Helem, the first LGBTQIA+ rights organisation in the Middle East. Established in Beirut, Lebanon in 2001, its mission is to represent, protect and lead the liberation of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Intersex, Transgendered, Queer (LGBTQIA+) and other people with non-conforming sexualities and/or gender identities in the Middle East and the SWANA region.
Murilo's PRIDE painting is featured on our cotton tote bag. Complete with solid coloured back, internal pocket and zipper for security.